
Fatal error: Call to undefined function callback_function()

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Hello Sahil,
I am getting this error. I already create a callback_function() in my controller. i am working on zf2. please reply asap.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function callback_function() in

Hi Khushboo,

Thanks for reaching me, I will surely help you out. I have checked my library it is working fine.

Possible Reasons of this error:

  1. You haven't defined that function.
  1. You haven't defined function as global.
  1. Or you are using it in some different way.

For Reference you can check library's usage pattern for callback.

  • Callback function type
  • (String) callback_function global function
  • (Array) array => 0 (Object) $classObject array => 1 (String) function_name(public)
  • (Array) array => 0 (String) class_name array => 1 (String) function_name(public static)
    You can see its usage here


  1. Make sure if you are copying usage section's php code for some initial testing, don't forget to copy that function callback_function which is defined in the bottom of usage section.
  2. You can also try this example from the source of this current library, Example, Try complete example.

If still above doesn't solve your problem. You can share your code which you are using on my personal email address I will be happy to help you out.

Thanks and Regards,
Sahil Gulati