Fallout 2d20
Closed this issue · 6 comments
Hello, I'm not sure if this problem has been solved but personally I can't get the locking formula to work on the Fallout 2d20 system.
Can anyone tell me how to solve this?
Thanks for your time.
The Lockpick formula should look something like this: 2d20cs>=(@actor.system.attributes.per.value + @skills.Lockpick.system.value)
, thought this will not consider some of the system specific rules. I plan on adding the system crit rules at some point and also a way to select the amount of d20 forthe roll
Thank you for your answer but at the moment, this formula resolve only the half of the issue.
The attributes formula work well but the skill formula dont work, see the sreen.
I'm prooving to find the good way but not easy, if you finf this before me please share me the right formula.
Thank you for your time.
are you using a language other than english? If so you might need to change the Lockpick
part of the formula to the equivalent in your language
Oh ! Yes it's correct need to use the correct language to run correctly the formula.
My Bad.
Thank you in any case to answer me.
Good to hear