Some buttons on the HUD seem to not be active? M:YZ core
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Hey, downloaded the module in hopes of making the action a bit easier for new players. Seems like some of the buttons have stopped working tho, for example clicking on "Gear" does not open/interact with anything. Same for any sort of targeting. The rot will be displayed on the profile (the permanent rot has a border) function also seemed to have stopped working. Any idea if these are issues on my end due to miss management of settings?
The targeting not working is somewhat intended. Since there is no definitive way to decide how many tages there are for any given ability i could never quite figure out what to with the targeting system. The rest probably broke due to a system update, i will look into it, might take a few days though
Sorry for the wait. I just tested the functions you mentioned and everything seems to work as expected on my end.
The Gear button should, when clicked, show a bar above the HUD including all the characters gear, e.g.:
The rot should be displayed once added to the character at the right side of the portrait, as seen here:
Are there any errors in the console (F12) when you try to use these features? Also, which version of Foundry, the MY0 System, the Argon Core, and the Argon MY0 modules are you using?
Let me try it out and get back to you :) Also you replied and worked so quickly, especially during holidays, youre an excellent developer, happy new year!
Heres some errors, the mutation now shows up and comes to chat but gear still not working for me personally. Same for ROT. The errors also come with some weapons like the blunt instrument in the picture but also some guns that have dev requirements.
I am on version 12 build 331, latest ARGON versions. Using also the 12.0.2 Mutant Year Game System. (i just bought foundry last week so hopefully i gave the right details). Feel free to ask more or contact me on foundry discord.
Do you have any other modules activated? Also, could you send me the .json export of one of your actors for which these bugs happen? (richt click an actor on the sidebar and select Export Data)
Only these modules for testing. Here the actor. Ive not made any actors myself so all are from the FoundryVTT from Free League.
I should have mentioned, for the "gear" category only gear items count, so other items like weapons or armor which appear under the "gear" section will not be displayed, since the character you sens does not seem to have any of these items, no items will displayed here. The character also seems to be a NPC which, as far as i know, do not have rot, so no rot will be displayed.
Hey.....I apologize for wasting your time with rot and gear, you are correct. I didnt realize how the "PC" system worked and you are correct, the rot is showing up now alongside the Gear, even tho im not sure what goes there but if i made a test item it worked. Soooo disregard those points haha .
No problem. Is everything else working as expected or did i forget about something?
Some of the weapons still dont work for me, the maser pistol being best example on the doctor and it seems consistent with weapons with "dev needed".
Oh could this be due to the fact it seems that these DEV items are not listed under "items" in Foundry , therefor the module has no way of getting it stats for the roll?
The problem is, that the pistol is set to use the "Fight" skill since it is a melee weapon, since the character does not have the "Fight" skill, argon is confused which attribute to use for the roll. I will see if i can find a nice fix for that or implement a bad one if i cant
The bug should now be fixed with v2.0.1
Thats awesome! It works! Thank you very much for your great work and happy new year!
Great to hear, happy new year to you too and have fun with foundry