
Prusa Mini not picking up pens properly, and offset is wrong.

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My setup shown here:

I'm fairly sure I have put in the offsets for the pens/1st position correctly, but the movement to pick up a pen will go up to the correct height, but not move to the left in order to take the pen down from the rack, it only goes up, moves slightly to the right, then goes back down and colors. Then also the coloring is shifted down along the y-axis, but that could be due to the offset being wrong (although I'm pretty sure I put it in correctly). Videos here:

                                                           Pickup Wrong
Offset Wrong

I'm using a Prusa Mini with mostly up to date firmware, and Cura 4.9.0. Could this be a non compatible firmware, or another firmware related issue or just me being stupid. I will continue trying to find if I did anything wrong, but help would be greatly appreciated!