
Printer don't extrude

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I need Help.
My Cr-10-V3 sets the Temperature at beginning to 150 and don't extrude. This behavior doesn't change in the whole print.
The Printer do the right movement.

This is the G-Code i'm using

M104 S{ ; set final nozzle temp M190 S{ ; wait for bed temp to stabilize M109 S{ ; wait for nozzle temp to stabilize

It looks like you're having issues passing a slicer (cura?) set variable to the script which results in a malformed command that the firmware ignores. Your gcode sets the hotend to 150 a few lines before that to prevent oozing while homing and since the only other hotend temp command is malformed, it never is set to a useful temperature.