
Incorrect WeightedPackageInfo parameter name

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I'm using v1.3.3 for project compatibility reasons (can't use the newest version, don't have the PHP v7 support), anyway as a browse the code, the problem occurs in the newest version as well.

In Api.php file on line 475, key name should be WeightedPackageInfo instead of WeightedPackageInfoIn. I've checked it against the current WSDL version.

Currently, the WeightedPackageInfo is not sent to API at all.
When I changed it manually in my project, it worked.

Would it be possible to update the file?

Thank you.

That means that wsdl spec was changed... fixed in next release...
PS: Also i would suggest to migrate your project to 7.4 (Debian stable PHP version) anything under version 7 is dead, PHP 8.1 is stable version now...


I know anything under v7 is dead, but I'm just partly contributing to a project and I won't be able to persuade the owner to migrate.

Are you planning to release a patch for the package with v5 support?
Or should I make a PR?

You are still using 1.3.3? That is still working?
So if i will branch of 1.3.3 and release 1.3.4 will that be ok for you?

Ok version 1.3.4 should be installable now...

Really appreciated.

Thank you for doing that!

PS: Yes, generally PHP v5 version still works well.