
Synchronization accounts from B2C to Salesforce Platform does not work with shared customer list

Ivan-Melnyk opened this issue · 1 comments

Synchronization accounts from B2C to Salesforce Platform does not work with shared customer list
I've executed all the commands from readme file, seems like everything went correct. However, whenever Log in, Checkout, or Job is trying to synchronize the accounts from B2C to Salesforce Platform, the result is "successful" but the accounts are not being synchronized. I found this in the Job log:

[2022-09-21 16:17:20.146 GMT] INFO CustomJobThread|444767850|B2C CRM Sync: Export customers|SynchronizeCustomers Successfully exported the customer profile. Here is the response body: {"actionName":"B2CContactProcess","errors":null,"isSuccess":true,"outputValues":{"Account":null,"errors":["Unable to verify the B2C CustomerList. Please check the properties of the sourceContact -- and try again."],"Flow__InterviewStatus":"Finished","Contact":{"attributes":{"type":"Contact"},"Email":"","FirstName":"Ivan","LastName":"Melnyk"},"isSuccess":false}}

The Job is green (no errors shown), "isSuccess":true , however the "errors" in "outputValues" says a completely opposite status: "Unable to verify the B2C CustomerList. Please check the properties of the sourceContact -- and try again."

How it should be fixed?

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create an account from storefront, or Run the Job for existing accounts
  2. Observe the status of synchronization in the Customer Profile custom attributes (in SFCC BM)
  3. Observe the status of the Job
  4. Open the Job Log and observe the status of the Job in "outputValues".

Expected behavior
The Accounts are synchronized, or if there any error occurred - it should be clearly shown in the profile attributes and/or in the Job status.

My local environment details:

  • Node version (node -v): v15.2.1
  • NPM version (npm -v) v7.0.8
  • SFDX version (sfdx -v) sfdx-cli/7.168.0 win32-x64 node-v15.2.1

My remote environment details:

  • Salesforce B2C Commerce version: 22.9
  • Salesforce Core version: 56.0


Seems like deploy command was not properly executed, so I've ran it again . Also I've created a separate customer lists for each of my site and reassigned the sites, tested and it worked. Then I've reassigned back all my sites to the one customer list and it was still working. After that, I did the same deploy to another sandbox and it worked, so I'm not sure what exactly fixed this issue but it is not actual any more.