
Install With Custom Administrative Account Record Type

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Note: FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. For support questions, please use the EDA Chatter group in The Power of Us Hub.
For feature requests, please use the Ideas tab in The Power of Us Hub.

  • Do you want to request a feature or report a bug?

  • What is the current behavior?

  • What is the expected behavior?
    To make sure default account model and custom account record type are set up correctly.

  • What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?

  • Acceptance Criteria

    • Given: I am on a certain page
    • When: I click a button
    • Then: An action should occur
  • Keyboard Acceptance Criteria

    • Given: I am navigating the site using only my keyboard
    • When: I tab to the button
    • Then: I should see the button highlighted on focus
    • And When: I press enter on a highlighted button
    • Then: An action should occur
  • Screenreader Acceptance Criteria

    • Given: I am using a screenreader to navigate the site
    • When: I tab to the button
    • Then: I should hear the label of the button
    • And When: I press enter
    • Then: I should hear that an action has occurred

Tracking W-7930272

Included in beta release 1.103 (Beta 11)

Included in production release 1.103