
Carriage Returns on History LongNotes

johnwfoster opened this issue · 4 comments

Using the standard Add Note link on a Contact detail. If you type Notes with carriage returns, they do not display properly in the Windows Client Notes/History tab or Edit/View History. They do appear properly if you edit or view the History in Web or Mobile.

Yep - The only way you can see them properly is to do an "edit". IMHO it would be nice to see Edit and Detail use the same layout for memo/text. Wonder if one could hack in something ;-)

LAN issue.

How is this a LAN issue?
It seems itis a memo/text control issue in the mobility app - this is what he (and I) are talking about.

The issue states they appear fine in Web/Mobile. That would imply the LAN client needs to render notes added from web/mobile properly.