
Use Cloudflare pages and worker serverless to implement VLESS protocol

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT




Many thanks to 3KmFi6HP



Table of Contents

Deploy in pages.dev

  1. See YouTube Video:


  2. Clone this repository deploy in cloudflare pages.

Deploy in worker.dev

  1. Copy _worker.js code from here.

  2. Alternatively, you can click the button below to deploy directly.

    Deploy to Cloudflare Workers

UUID Setting

  1. When deploy in cloudflare pages, you can set uuid in wrangler.toml file. variable name is UUID. wrangler.toml file is also supported. (recommended) in case deploy in webpages, you can not set uuid in wrangler.toml file.

  2. When deploy in worker.dev, you can set uuid in the 11th line of _worker.js file. variable name is userID. wrangler.toml file is also supported. (recommended) in case deploy in webpages, you can not set uuid in wrangler.toml file. in this case, you can also set uuid in UUID enviroment variable.

Note: UUID is the uuid you want to set. pages.dev and worker.dev all of them method supported, but depend on your deploy method.

UUID Setting Example

  1. single uuid environment variable

    UUID = "uuid here your want to set"
  2. multiple uuid environment variable

    UUID = "uuid1,uuid2,uuid3"

    note: uuid1, uuid2, uuid3 are separated by commas,. when you set multiple uuid, you can use https://edtunnel.pages.dev/uuid1 to get the clash config and vless:// link.

Subscribe vless link

  • visit https://edtunnel.pages.dev/uuid your set to get Aggregate general v2ray, Singbox and Clash Subscription links.

    • Visit https://edtunnel.pages.dev/uuid your set/pty to get the aggregate universal subscription link.

    • Visit https://edtunnel.pages.dev/uuid your set/psb to get Hiddify/Singbox subscription link

    • Visit https://edtunnel.pages.dev/uuid your set/pcl to get the Clash-Meta subscription link.

  • done. if have any questions please join @edtunnel OR @F_NiREvil

CF Domain or IP's

You can change the single CF-pages/workers custom domain for vless+ws+tls node in the 15th line of _worker.js file, default is www.speedtest.net and also you can replaced all CF clean IP or domains with your preferred from lines 17 ~ 31.

let CDNIP = 'www.speedtest.net'
// http_ip
let IP1 = 'www.visa.com'
let IP2 = 'cis.visa.com'
let IP3 = 'africa.visa.com'
let IP4 = 'www.visa.com.sg'
let IP5 = 'sky.rethinkdns.com'
let IP6 = 'go.inmobi.com'
let IP7 = 'icook.hk'

// https_ip
let IP8 = 'usa.visa.com'
let IP9 = 'www.speedtest.net'
let IP10 = 'creativecommons.org'
let IP11 = 'sky.rethinkdns.com'
let IP12 = 'zula.ir'
let IP13 = 'www.wto.org'

Multiple port support

For a list of Cloudflare supported ports, please refer to the official documentation.

By default, the port is 8080 and 8443. If you want to modifying ports, you can use the following ports:

let portArray_http = [
// line 33
let PT1 = '80'
let PT2 = '8080'
let PT3 = '8880'
let PT4 = '2052'
let PT5 = '2082'
let PT6 = '2086'
let PT7 = '2095

let portArray_https = [
// line 42 
let PT8 = '443'
let PT9 = '8443'
let PT10 = '2053'
let PT11 = '2083'
let PT12 = '2087'
let PT13 = '2096'


if you deploy in cloudflare pages, https port is not supported. Simply add multiple ports node drictly use subscribe link, subscribe content will return all Cloudflare supported ports.


  1. When deploy in cloudflare pages, you can set proxyIP in wrangler.toml file or set in _worker.js file in the line 13. Or i recommended to set in environment variable with name PROXYIP in your page/cloudflare account.

  2. When deploy in worker.dev, you can set proxyIP in _worker.js file. variable name is proxyIP. you can find proxyIP Here: https://github.com/NiREvil/vless/blob/main/sub/ProxyIP.md


proxyIP is the ip or domain you want to set. this means that the proxyIP is used to route traffic through a proxy rather than directly to a website that is using Cloudflare's (CDN). if you don't set this variable, connection to the Cloudflare IP will be cancelled (or blocked)...

resons: Outbound TCP sockets to Cloudflare IP ranges are temporarily blocked, please refer to the tcp-sockets documentation



frist, open your pages.dev/uuid like: https://edtunnel.pages.dev/uuid your set in your browser, to get the vless/singbox and clash sublinks.

Credits: 3Kmfi6HP & zizifn
