
Can you give me some Widgets the effect diagram and corresponding code

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Can you give me some Widgets the effect diagram and corresponding code


It's a nice feature to have, and I would also like to see it for sure, but I can't say for sure that I can add it in the near future.

There are 2 main problems for now:

  1. Compiling Flutter to the web with interactivity like code editor like Dartpad doesn't accept 3rd party package yet.

  2. Because adding all the property would lead to a very long page, for example, TextFormField have more than 60+ property.
    However, we could group it together but would still be very long.

But if it works then, there are some questions left.

Niku effect is the same as the native Flutter widget, so just wondering which range of scope would you like to see?
All the property, or just the one that is unique to Niku.

For example:

Planning on adding something like:

// Unique to Niku

Would you group this together, or separated?


  .. passwordKeyboard

However, there's a new doc I'm working on, so I'll try to find a way to include it smoothly.