
Enhanced version of the Cyno Cloak Mod by Tyr for the Eve Development Killboard

Primary LanguageSmarty


Enhanced version of the Cyno Cloak Mod by Tyr for the Eve Development Killboard.

Maintained by Salvoxia

This mod adds items indicating fitted cyno/cloak/entosis link modules directly in the kill list table. It is designed for EDK v4.2 and higher.


13.12.2011, v0.1:
  • First release
14.12.2011, v0.2:
  • Added settings page to configure if cyno/cloak should be shown or not
  • changes to the killlisttable.tpl
  • Added killlisttable.tpl to the folder for simple updating
  • Added css file
17.12.2011, v0.3:
  • Added Support for simplified URLs
20.07.2012, v0.4:
  • Fixed a small bug with fitted mods not showing up - obviously the slot id for fitted items changed
08.08.2012, v0.5:
  • Included killlisttable.tpl again
19.04.2014, v0.6:
  • updated to work with EDK 4.2+
17.07.2015, v0.7
  • added Entosis Links
09.02.1016, v0.8
  • fixes for compatbility with PHP 7
  • fixes a display problem in Firefox if only two of three icons are displayed
09.09.2016, v0.9
02.06.2017, v0.9.1
  • Fix: Kill Lists show kill system security status in the proper color
  • Fix: Stylesheet inclusion when simple URLs are enabled and the page was called with URL parameters


There are still some css issues depending on the used theme, especially with the width of the kill list table. If you're using a different theme than one based on the default (regarding layout) and run into any problems or have already made custom changes to the tpl file, you have to copy your killlisttable.tpl from themes/yourtheme/templates to mods/CynoCloakMod/templates, overwrite the existing one and manually add the following lines:


<!-- killlistable.tpl -->


{if function_exists('getCynoList') && config::get('cc_cyno')}
	{$cynos = call_user_func('getCynoList')}	
{if function_exists('getCloakList') && config::get('cc_cloak')}
	{$cloaks = call_user_func('getCloakList')}
{if function_exists('getEntosisList') && config::get('cc_entosis')}
	{$entosises = call_user_func('getEntosisList')}


<td class="kl-shiptype" colspan="2">Ship type</td>


<td class="kl-shiptype" colspan="{if isset($cynos) || isset($cloaks) || isset($entosises)}3{else}2{/if}">Ship type</td>


<td class="kb-table-imgcell">
	<img src='{$k.victimshipimage}' style="width: 32px; height: 32px; margin-bottom:-2px !important;" alt="" />


{if isset($cynos) || isset($cloaks) || isset($entosises)}
	<td class="kl-cyno-cloak-mod{if isset($cloaks)} cloak{/if}{if isset($cynos)} cyno{/if}{if isset($entosises)} entosis{/if}">
		{if isset($cloaks)}
			<img src=https://image.eveonline.com/InventoryType/11370_32.png {if in_array($k.id, $cloaks)}style="opacity:1;"{/if} alt="" />
		{if isset($cynos)}
			<img src=https://image.eveonline.com/InventoryType/21096_32.png {if in_array($k.id, $cynos)}style="opacity:1;"{/if} alt="" />
        {if isset($entosises)}
			<img src=https://image.eveonline.com/InventoryType/34593_32.png {if in_array($k.id, $entosises)}style="opacity:1;"{/if} alt="" />

Cheers o/

Copyright @Tyranero, 2012.

Contact admin@stryke.de for more, donations always welcomed to 'Tyranero' ingame.

Enhanced by Salvoxia 2016