
A collection of analysis scripts used for the paper: Diversity and structure of the deep-sea sponge microbiome in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean

Primary LanguageShell


Welcome to the Deep_Sponge_Micro GitHub repository. This repository is dedicated to hosting a collection of analysis scripts used for the research paper titled "Diversity and structure of the deep-sea sponge microbiome in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean."

Repository Contents

  • Qiime2_pipeline.sh: This script outlines the QIIME2 pipeline used for initial amplicon processing from raw reads into ASVs (Amplicon Sequence Variants) with assigned taxonomy.
  • Phyloseq_creation.R: This R script is for creating the Phyloseq object from the Qiime2 pipeline output.
  • BISECT.physeq.RData: This Rdata file contains the Phyloseq object used for analysis. You can load this into R and analyze the microbiome data with the phyloseq package.

Data Availability

The sequence reads relevant to this research are deposited under the BioProject number: PRJNA702029.

For more information or if you wish to contribute to this project, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.