
Flashing LED 4x on boot

Closed this issue · 3 comments


My old version (1.04) stopped working, so I have tried to deploy to the latest version, but coming into difficulty.

I have used the Deploy Balena button and tried on two different cards and Pi Zero 1 Ws, but I can't get beyond 4x flashing green LEDs. I note the caution on the Github page and have checked that the system connections has my persistent wifi details, which I've checked, but the device never appears on my LAN, or in the Fleet.

Could you please point me in the right direction to get back online?

@Fayrewood Sorry you are having issues with your balenaPhono! ☹️

The 4 flashing usually means there is no network connection. I will look through the code and see if there is anything I'm missing. Might be something in the Deploy With Balena button config stuff that I am missing.

** Several minutes later **
I think I forgot to build a new image for the Deploy Button! 💩 It is still installing the old image.

Question: Is the version build 3.1.2 ?


Question: Do you still see a wifi-connect service? (If you do... I need to get a new image uploaded to


I'm going to see if I can build and push a new image. I will let you know here when a new version is up. We will make it v4.0.1

Again, sorry for the issues!


I resolved the issue earlier today.

I was deploying 3.1.2 using the deploy button from the Balena App Store.

I do not see a wifi-connect service.

What I did was:

  1. Remove all of my Balena Fleet and devices - just in case there was a cached mac address from the same device that I was reusing.
  2. Create the image using the Deploy Button.
  3. Before inserting it into the Pi, I then added country=GB into the config.yaml. Then I added an ethernet connection file to ensure that Wifi was the default route to the internet.
  4. Popped the card in, and it started working

All up and running now! Thanks for your efforts - it really is a great deployment and makes life so easy.

I needed to add country=GB into my config.yaml, then add a system-connections entry for ethernet and set it to a low route rate, so that WiFi became the default route.

I'm so glad you figured it out on your own. I just finished bumping the version am about to push a build to so people get the new version when using the Deploy button.

I confess that I have very low understanding on the wifi config stuff when not in the US. I imagine that it defaults to some US config because merica!

I would like to get the wifi-connect stuff working again. I've seen several other projects are having the same issues with it. I am wondering if we can just pass the ssid and psk as device variables so they are persistent and not wiped on reboot.

I am also going to look into the config.yaml stuff. Someone not quite as tech savvy as you are, won't be able to figure that out!

Anyway, glad you are enjoying the project and find it useful!