
Add followers/following and privacy parameters

Opened this issue · 1 comments

SamR1 commented

first draft

  • privacy levels applied to workouts and geolocation data

    • private: only workout owner can access data
    • followers_only: only followers of workout owner can access data
    • public: everyone can access data
  • data visibility

A user can set visibility for workout data and geolocation data separately.

    user1 follower owner
Profile Header (username, stats) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  User info ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Preferences ✔️
  Sport preferences ✔️
Workout Title / Data ✅ if public ✅ if public or followers only ✔️
  Records ✅ if public ✅ if public or followers only ✔️
  Notes ✔️
Geolocation Data Map / Analysis ✅ if public ✅ if public or followers only ✔️
  • By default, all data are private.

  • To discuss

    • add possibility to hide some user info?
    • block access to all data on single-user instance?
    • data visibility for administrator

  1. authenticated and unauthenticated users

Oh, can't wait for this to be finished! Would love to be able to publicly share certain parts of my rides!