
Rewrite workout file processing

Opened this issue · 6 comments

SamR1 commented

Workout files processing needs to be rewritten, in order to:

  • improve perfomances
  • add asynchronous archive import (see #89)
  • improve storage (maybe consider database storage for gpx points to allow some next features)
  • allow to handle other file formats, see
  • refactor the code to make it easier to add sports that don't depend on a gpx file (see #391 (comment))
  • ...

Related tests also need some refactoring.

How about increasing .gpx file max size?
I have 113 gpx files here in the 1-2 MB range, all from #OpenTracks

SamR1 commented

Hi @dmillman

It's possible to increase file max size in the administration:

Excellent! How about a watched directory for both import of a large number of files, and also a way to hand off files to FitTrackee in a workflow?

SamR1 commented

An issue is open: #144.
But for now there are only workarounds to upload files to FitTrackee.

I didn't increase file max size in the administration because I can't figure out how to get into the administration (because I'm running it with docker-compose-dev.yml).
It seems that the file size limit is not respected for files that are supplied inside zips.

SamR1 commented

I didn't increase file max size in the administration because I can't figure out how to get into the administration (because I'm running it with docker-compose-dev.yml).

A command allows to add admin rigths: $ make docker-set-admin USERNAME=<username>.

It seems that the file size limit is not respected for files that are supplied inside zips.

Thanks for the report, I'll fix that to avoid timeout errors (until .zip archives import improvements).