
Add new sport: open water swimming

xmgz opened this issue · 4 comments

xmgz commented

as suggested, I open this issue to discuss about swimming activities

as FitTrackee requires a valid .gpx file from outdoor activities I request Open Water Swimming to be added as activity.

Adding a generic Swimming would make possible to manually add an activity recorded in the swimming pool (without gps data) so it would be prefered (in my opinion). Same as other indoor activities without .gpx values.

this is a .gpx file from garmin device if you need to check if there's any diference to be taken in consideration
activity_11528282494(1).zip so others could upload here a file from other devices to check if there is any particular format or values to consider.

I would suggest that elevation values should be overwritten to 0 (zero) in case GPS glitches or errors could introduce any value (please comment if this is incorrect from my side)

Please comment so devs can add swimming in future releases. Thank you.

SamR1 commented


Thanks for opening this issue and the .gpx file.
With the current version of FitTrackee, it displays the following data from the file:
Screenshot 2023-07-18 at 08-42-03 FitTrackee - Séance

It shouldn't display ascent and descent, since the file does not contain elevation data (no <ele> element) .

      <trkpt lat="<LATITUTE>" lon="<LONGITUDE>">

I'll fix that and add open water swimming (indoor activities need more change and different display).

xmgz commented

Speed values usually are noted as minutes per one hundred meters (min/100m), at least in the two or three apps/sites I have used.

As conversion is trivial, I don't know if speed charts and values are the same for every sport or if they can be formatted by the kind of activity.

I'm totally fine if speed keeps the current format and I don't know if min/100m is actually any kind of standard.

Thank you.

Note: this could be applicable also to running where we usually talk about pace in terms of minutes per kilometer (mile).

So initally could be best to keep it as it is and then.. open a diferent issue

SamR1 commented


Yes, I agree. I've already opened an issue to display pace (#302) :).

SamR1 commented

released in v0.7.20