
fittrackee installation on debian 12 host

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hello, I've been trying to get Fittrackee up and running for days. I've tried different approaches, such as:

Compiling Python 3.9 myself.
Installing Python 3.11 from the sources.
Installing using pip, pip3.9, pip3.11, and pipx.

I haven't been able to complete the entire manual installation because I don't know where and how to set the environment parameters. Using pipx and the whl installation, I managed to install Fittrackee, but with each reinstall, I encounter the following error when creating the Fittrackee database or during the installation:

2024/02/18 11:50:50 - fittrackee - WARNING - Redis not available, API rate limits are disabled.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/fittrackee", line 5, in
from fittrackee.main import main
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/fittrackee/", line 23, in
app = create_app()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/fittrackee/", line 87, in create_app
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/flask_sqlalchemy/", line 310, in init_app
raise RuntimeError(
RuntimeError: Either 'SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI' or 'SQLALCHEMY_BINDS' must be set.

Can anyone help me troubleshoot and resolve this issue? I appreciate any assistance!


To set environment variables, a .env file can be created (an example can be found here).
Some variables are mandatory, like DATABASE_URL.

Once the variables have been set, the .env file must be sourced to make them available:

$ source .env

Thank you for the information. The part about creating the configuration and then loading it via the source command was a bit confusing in the tutorial. I am writing guide to install fittrackee on debian 12 :

Email , Redis , Worker Infos comming soon. Now i try to reach the fittrackee installation from other host than local host. Its a little bit tricky, cause i dont know where i can setup these configs. fittrackee does not run on a apache webserver.


Thanks for your feedback, I'll try to improve this part.
The documentation focuses on FitTrackee, since the other parts depend on the operating system and host configuration.

documentation updated