
Does not work on Rails 3.0 when setting DB options

Opened this issue · 2 comments


This may not be a high priority anymore, but miniprofiler doesn't work with Rails 3.0. There's a conflict between sql_patches and rack-mount near the #instance_variable_set:

  class Mysql2::Client
    alias_method :query_without_profiling, :query
    def query(*args,&blk)
      current = ::Rack::MiniProfiler.current
      return query_without_profiling(*args,&blk) unless current

      start =
      result = query_without_profiling(*args,&blk)
      elapsed_time = (( - start).to_f * 1000).round(1)
      result.instance_variable_set("@miniprofiler_sql_id", ::Rack::MiniProfiler.record_sql(args[0], elapsed_time))



The Mysql2 adapter configures each connection by sending a SET statement to the DB. The code for that is here:

        def configure_connection
          @connection.query_options.merge!(:as => :array)

          # By default, MySQL 'where id is null' selects the last inserted id.
          # Turn this off.
          variable_assignments = ['SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL=0']
          encoding = @config[:encoding]

          # make sure we set the encoding
          variable_assignments << "NAMES '#{encoding}'" if encoding

          # increase timeout so mysql server doesn't disconnect us
          wait_timeout = @config[:wait_timeout]
          wait_timeout = 2147483 unless wait_timeout.is_a?(Fixnum)
          variable_assignments << "@@wait_timeout = #{wait_timeout}"

          execute("SET #{variable_assignments.join(', ')}", :skip_logging)

This returns nil as the result (not an empty array). You normally would be able to get away with defining instance variables on the nil singleton object, but unfortunately, rack-mount (for Rails 3.0) has also decided to have its way with nil.

    def initialize(app, prefix = nil)
      @app, @prefix = app, prefix.freeze

So you get the inevitable cannot modify a frozen object error. Seems this pull-request fixes it on the Rack side.

This is FYI. I will attempt a Rails 3.1 upgrade now.

do you think this is worth fixing?

No. Rails 3.0 is not supported anymore. Thanks.