
request for a bit of documentation

Closed this issue · 5 comments

jjb commented

does this still only work on head or are these features in 2.1?

also, could you link to a guide somewhere for how to use, or show a minimal example?


It looks like it's intended for use with rack-mini-profiler with a query string.

pp=profile-gc-ruby-head: requires the memory_profiler gem, new location based report

the released gem does not work with Ruby 2.1, see #1

gem 'memory_profiler', github: "SamSaffron/memory_profiler"

Ok, pushed 0.0.4 and added some doco ... @nathany @jjb would much appreciate a pass to improve the documentation

Thanks for the doc improvements @SamSaffron. It looks like we can use this outside of the request cycle (via MiniProfiler) which should come in handy for our background jobs.

jjb commented

@SamSaffron looks great, thanks!