
Add metadata tags to downloaded mp3 files

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Clear and concise description of the problem

As someone who is using PodFetch to automatically download podcasts to a directory which I am then syncing to my phone using Syncthing and listening using VLC, I would like to ensure podcasts have an artist/album assigned to them, so they are not in a generic uncatagorised album.

Suggested solution

Automatically populate data if it does not already exist and it is available from iTunes, including:

  • Artist, e.g., 'The WAN Show'
  • Album, e.g., 'The WAN Show'
  • Genre, e.g., 'Podcast'
  • Date, e.g., 2023
  • Track number (if possible?), 110


No response

Additional context

I think Artist and Album would be most useful to populate.

As an example of a podcast on iTunes with metadata correctly set in the mp3 itself: The Homelab Show

As an example of a podcast on iTunes with metadata incorrectly set (absent) in the mp3 itself: The WAN Show


Seems to be pretty easy to accomplish with this crate I'll implement this tomorrow.

Very good Idea.

You could add the following tags :

Cover / picture / album art
URL = to add the internal podfech url
Comment = to add more information

Title = Episode name

Album = Podcast name

Closed. I implemented it just like you described it.

Thanks very much - working perfectly for me