
Can't build on alpine 3.17 on an aarch64 server

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug

when build, it show error

error: cannot produce proc-macro for `actix-macros v0.2.4` as the target `aarch64-unknown-linux-musl` does not support these crate types


rebuilt it on an aarch64 alpline server

System Info

just run cargo build on aarch64 alpine server

Used Package Manager



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Maybe try RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+crt-static" cargo build

I already tried, error still occurs

builder:~/PodFetch$ RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+crt-static" cargo build
error: cannot produce proc-macro for `actix-macros v0.2.4` as the target `aarch64-unknown-linux-musl` does not support these crate types

I forgot that I also have a RPI4 with Alpine Linux. I was able to build it by installing

  • apk add libgcc g++
  • RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=-crt-static" cargo build

This has unfortunately the disadvantage that you need the libraries on the PodFetch host. I currently compile PodFetch on an x86 host for all platforms.

I can build the latest commit now, and start it normally, but seems there is something wrong

builder:~/PodFetch$ ./target/debug/podfetch 
Debug file located at /home/jenningsl/PodFetch/target/debug/build/podfetch-9f12e50cb96722df/out/

  ____           _ _____    _       _
 |  _ \ ___   __| |  ___|__| |_ ___| |__
 | |_) / _ \ / _` | |_ / _ \ __/ __| '_ \
 |  __/ (_) | (_| |  _|  __/ || (__| | | |
 |_|   \___/ \__,_|_|  \___|\__\___|_| |_|

2024-01-25T12:47:59 ℹ️ - Settings already present

2024-01-25T12:47:59 ℹ️ - starting 4 workers
2024-01-25T12:47:59 ℹ️ - Starting with the following environment variables:
2024-01-25T12:47:59 ℹ️ - Actix runtime found; starting in Actix runtime
2024-01-25T12:47:59 ℹ️ - Public server url: http://localhost:80/
2024-01-25T12:47:59 ℹ️ - Polling interval for new episodes: 300 minutes
2024-01-25T12:47:59 ℹ️ - Developer specifications available at http://localhost:80/swagger-ui/index.html#/
2024-01-25T12:47:59 ℹ️ - GPodder integration enabled: true
2024-01-25T12:47:59 ℹ️ - Podindex API key&secret configured: false

when I access via http://localhost:80/, it show error that can't connect

curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80 after 1 ms: Couldn't connect to server

and there is no other error occurs in the console.

Hmm. Can you try localhost:8000? Keep in mind that you started only the backend.

I tried it as well. but no luck.
I gave up as running with docker.