
Better story for developing a workflow

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Currently I have to run npm install --global . each time I do a change. That is sub-optimal. We should figure out a better process for developing a workflow.

You can just run alfred-link once inside the development directory, no? Haven't tried it but I guess it should work.

Ah yeah, works. Should documented though.

Actually, not perfectly. If I run alfred-link, it rewrites info.plist. There should be a way to have it not rewrite, either automatic or through a flag.

If it doesn't update info.plist, it won't have a name in alfred. Not sure if it can handle that? It's perfectly possible to only update info.plist if the package was installed through npm install -g.

Alfred glitches hard without a name. Maybe we should just hardcode the name in info.plist too? That tiny duplication will make it a lot easier to work on plugins. Only name is required.

Good point. I will drop the name transformation then in alfred-link and won't transform info.plist if alfred-link was called directly.