
Generators instead of Observer?

franciscop opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi Sam, I love this library and use it in some of my projects like happy and the experimental create-static-web. I am wondering if adding support for Generators has been considered? See this article intro, the user code could look like this:

const delay = time => new Promise(done => setTimeout(done, time));

const tasks = new Listr([
    title: 'Success',
    task: async function* (){
      yield 'Foo';
      await delay(2000);
      yield 'Bar';
      await delay(2000);


  • No 3rd party library needed anymore
  • Simple and clean syntax
  • Async/await based


  • Some advanced flows might be more tricky than this simplified example

This example would behave the same as the one in the homepage:

const {Observable} = require('rxjs');

const tasks = new Listr([
    title: 'Success',
    task: () => {
      return new Observable(observer => {'Foo');

        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 2000);

        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 4000);