
A template for creating a browser extension.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A template for creating a browser extension (Firefox).

Doing more

See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json for a list of what can be added to the manifest.json file.


To use this template you should reset/set some stuff:


  • set "name" to your extensions name
  • set "description"
  • set "homepage_url" to your repos readme


  • change the "name" to your extensions/repos name
  • change the "description"
  • under "repository" change the "url" to that of your repos
  • change "author" to your name
  • change "license" to your license
  • under "bugs" change "url" to that of your repos
  • change "homepage" to your repos readme


Delete this file and then run:

npm install


  • change the whole thing


  • change the name
  • change the date

Remove .gitkeep files

  • extension/css/dist/
  • extension/js/dist/
  • extension/icons/
  • src/shared/

How to add another content script (or something else that you want to build separately):

  • decide on a name (<name>)
  • go to the config folder
    • create a new folder with the name <name>
    • copy tsconfig.json, webpack.config.js and optionally tailwind.config.cjs from another folder to the newly created folder (<name>)
    • enter the newly created folder (<name>)
      • in tsconfig.json change:
        • "include": ["../../src/<name>/**/*.ts"],
      • in webpack.config.js change:
        • entry: path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "..", "src", "<name>", "index.ts"),
        • filename: "<name>.js",
      • in tailwind.config.cjs change:
        • content: ["src/<name>/**/*.ts"], or
        • content: ["src/<name>/**/*.ts", "extension/html/<name>.html]," if you require an html file
  • go to the extension folder
    • add your html file (if you have/need one) <name>.html to the folder html (you can use your script by using <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/dist/<name>.js"></script> and your css by using: <link href="/css/dist/<name>.css" rel="stylesheet">)
    • add your script (and css) to the manifest.json file (you can link your script by using: js/dist/<name>.js and css by using css/dist/<name>.css)
  • go to the src folder
    • add the folder <name> and enter it
      • create the file index.ts inside that folder
  • if you added a TailwindCSS config file:
    • go to the tw folder
    • create a new file called <name>.css
    • add the contents of another file in that directory to the newly created file
  • go to the package.json file and add the following scripts:
    • "build_wp_<name>": "webpack --config config/<name>/webpack.config.js",
    • "watch_wp_<name>": "webpack --config config/<name>/webpack.config.js --watch",
    • "build_tw_<name>": "tailwindcss -c ./config/<name>/tailwind.config.cjs -i ./tw/<name>.css -o ./extension/css/dist/<name>.css --minify",
    • "watch_tw_<name>": "tailwindcss -c ./config/<name>/tailwind.config.cjs -i ./tw/<name>.css -o ./extension/css/dist/<name>.css --minify --watch",
    • also add the newly created scripts to the build script

How to remove one of the predefined configs

In the config folder are three other folders: background, content and popup.

Just walk through adding another content script backwards and use the folder names as <name>.

Build instructions

System requirements:

  • Node v18.13.0
  • npm 9.7.1

Install the required npm packages:

npm install

Run the build script to build everything:

npm run build

Or build single parts:


The TypeScript source files are under src/content and src/shared and the config files are under config/content.

Build script:

npm run build_wp_content


The TypeScript source files are under src/popup and src/shared and the config files are under config/popup.

Build script:

npm run build_wp_popup


The TypeScript source files are under src/background and src/shared and the config files are under config/background.

Build script:

npm run build_wp_background