
Fast extended-precision floating-point arithmetic for Julia

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


Copyright © 2019-2021 by David K. Zhang. Released under the MIT License.

MultiFloats.jl is a Julia package for extended-precision arithmetic using 100 – 400 bits (≈ 30 – 120 digits). In this range, it is the fastest extended-precision library that I am aware of. At 100-bit precision, MultiFloats.jl is roughly 40x faster than BigFloat and 2x faster than DoubleFloats.jl.

MultiFloats.jl achieves speed by using native, vectorizable Float64 operations and immutable data structures that do not dynamically allocate memory. In many cases, MultiFloat arithmetic can be performed entirely in CPU registers, eliminating memory access altogether. In contrast, BigFloat allocates memory with every single arithmetic operation, requiring frequent pauses for garbage collection.

MultiFloats.jl provides basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, sqrt), comparison operators (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=), exp, log, and floating-point introspection methods (isfinite, eps, minfloat, etc.). Work on trigonometric and hyperbolic functions is currently in progress.

MultiFloats.jl stores extended-precision numbers in a generalized form of double-double representation which supports arbitrary number of components. This idea takes inspiration from Jonathan Shewchuk's work on adaptive-precision floating-point arithmetic and Yozo Hida, Xiaoye Li, and David Bailey's algorithms for quad-double arithmetic, combined in a novel fashion with Julia's unique JIT architecture and metaprogramming capabilities.


MultiFloats.jl is a registered Julia package, so all you need to do is run the following line in your Julia REPL:

]add MultiFloats


MultiFloats.jl provides the types Float64x2, Float64x3, ..., Float64x8, which represent extended-precision numbers with 2x, 3x, ..., 8x the precision of Float64. These are all subtypes of the parametric type MultiFloat{T,N}, where T = Float64 and N = 2, 3, ..., 8.

Instances of Float64x2, Float64x3, ..., Float64x8 are convertible to and from Float64 and BigFloat, as shown in the following example.

julia> using MultiFloats

julia> x = Float64x4(2.0)

julia> y = sqrt(x)

julia> y * y - x

A comparison with sqrt(BigFloat(2)) reveals that all displayed digits are correct in this example.

Note: MultiFloats.jl also provides a Float64x1 type that has the same precision as Float64, but behaves like Float64x2Float64x8 in terms of supported operations. This is occasionally useful for testing, since any code that works for Float64x1 should also work for Float64x2Float64x8 and vice versa.

Precision Modes

MultiFloats.jl provides three user-selectable levels of precision. The default mode is standard mode, which aims for a sweet-spot between performance and precision. Clean mode does a bunch of extra work to get the last few bits of the answer right, while sloppy mode throws some safety guarantees out the window in pursuit of reckless speed.

When in doubt, stick to standard mode. If you come across a numerical bug, then switch to clean mode. The use of sloppy mode should be limited to highly specialized cases with strong assumptions about the input data. Sloppy mode can exhibit bizarre failure modes related to (the lack of) renormalization that are difficult to reproduce.

To switch between precision modes, call any of the following three functions:

MultiFloats.use_standard_multifloat_arithmetic() [default]

Note that switching between precision modes is a very expensive operation that is not thread-safe. Calling any of these functions triggers recompilation of all MultiFloat arithmetic operations, so this should never be performed in the middle of a calculation.

Each of these functions takes an optional Int parameter that dictates the MultiFloat sizes to generate code for. For example, if you want to use Float64x9 (which is not provided by default), you can call MultiFloats.use_standard_multifloat_arithmetic(9) to define the necessary arithmetic operators. Note that this will not define the name Float64x9; you will have to refer to this type as MultiFloat{Float64,9} or Float64x{9}.

The following two tables compare the precision (in bits) and performance (in FLOPs) of the three modes provided by MultiFloats.jl.

Number of
Accurate Bits
Clean Standard Sloppy
+ - * / + - * / + - * /
Float64x2 107 107 107 106 107 107 103 103 104 ≈50 103 103
Float64x3 161 161 161 160 161 161 156 155 157 ≈50 156 155
Float64x4 215 215 215 214 215 215 209 207 211 ≈50 209 207
Float64x5 269 269 269 268 269 269 262 259 264 ≈50 262 259
Float64x6 323 323 323 322 323 323 314 311 317 ≈50 314 311
Float64x7 377 377 377 376 377 377 367 364 371 ≈50 367 364
Float64x8 431 431 431 430 431 431 420 416 425 ≈50 420 416

Worst-case precision observed in ten million random trials using random numbers with uniformly distributed exponents in the range 1.0e-100 to 1.0e+100. The number of accurate bits was computed by comparison to exact rational arithmetic.

In this table, + refers to addition of numbers with the same sign, while - refers to addition of numbers with opposite signs. Destructive cancellation in sloppy mode can cause only the leading component of a difference to be meaningful. However, this only occurs when subtracting two numbers that are very close to each other (i.e., relative differences on the order of 1.0e-16).

FLOP Count Clean Standard Sloppy
+ 3N² + 10N - 6 3N² + 10N - 6 3N² + N - 3
- 3N² + 10N - 6 3N² + 10N - 6 3N² + N - 3
* 2N³ + 2N² + 7N - 8 2N³ - 4N² + 9N - 9 2N³ - 4N² + 6N - 3
/ 6N³ + 16N² - 5N - 4 6N³ + 4N² - 14N + 2 6N³ - 8N² + 4N - 1


MultiFloats.jl requires an underlying implementation of Float64 with IEEE round-to-nearest semantics. It works out-of-the-box on x86 and ARM, but may fail on more exotic architectures.

MultiFloats.jl does not attempt to propagate IEEE Inf and NaN values through arithmetic operations, as this could cause significant performance losses. You can pass these values through the Float64x{N} container types, and introspection functions (isinf, isnan, etc.) will work, but arithmetic operations will typically produce NaN on all non-finite inputs.


Two basic linear algebra tasks are used below to compare the performance of extended-precision floating-point libraries:

  • QR factorization of a random 400×400 matrix
  • Computing the pseudoinverse of a random 400×250 matrix (using GenericSVD.jl)

See benchmark code here. The timings reported below are averages of 10 runs performed under identical conditions on an Intel Core i7-8650U (Surface Book 2 13.5").

MultiFloats Float64x2 Julia Base BigFloat ArbNumerics ArbFloat Decimals Decimal DecFP Dec128 DoubleFloats Double64 Quadmath Float128
400×400 qr time 0.257 sec 10.303 sec (40x slower) 17.871 sec (69x slower) ❌ Error 9.448 sec (36x slower) 0.535 sec (2x slower) 2.403 sec (9x slower)
accurate digits 26.0 25.9 25.9 ❌ Error 27.6 26.1 28.1
400×250 pinv time 1.709 sec 96.655 sec (56x slower) 133.085 sec (77x slower) ❌ Error ❌ Error 3.668 sec (2x slower) 15.576 sec (9x slower)
accurate digits 25.6 25.8 25.8 ❌ Error ❌ Error 25.4 27.9

Feature Comparison

MultiFloats BigFloat ArbNumerics Decimals DecFP DoubleFloats Quadmath
user-selectable precision ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
avoids dynamic memory allocation ✔️ ✔️ ⚠️ ✔️
basic arithmetic +, -, *, /, sqrt ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
transcendental functions sin, cos, exp, log ❌ (WIP) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
compatible with GenericSVD.jl ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
floating-point introspection minfloat, eps ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️