
Implementation of parameterized roles for Joose

Primary LanguageJavaScript


JooseX.Role.Parameterized - Implementation of parameterized roles for Joose


    Role('Logger', {
        meta : JooseX.Role.Parameterized,
        parameter : {
            logMethodsMatching   : null
        introspect : true,
    role : function (self, consumer) {
        // self == this here
        var role = {
            override : {}
        consumer.meta.getMethods().each(function (method, name) {
            if (self.logMethodsMatching.test(name)) role.override[ name ] = function () {
                console.log('Call to method [' + name + '] - with arguments [' + arguments + ']')
                var res = this.SUPERARG(arguments)
                console.log('Returned result [' + res + ']')
                return res
        return role
    Class('ClassName', {
        does : Logger({ logMethodsMatching : /^doT.+/ }),
        methods : {
            dontLogMe : function () {
            doThis : function () {
                return 'this'
            doThat  : function () {
                return 'that'


Roles are composable units of behavior. They are useful for factoring out functionality common to many classes from any part of your class hierarchy. See Joose.Manual.Role for an introduction to Roles in Joose.

While combining roles affords you a great deal of flexibility, individual roles have very little in the way of configurability. Core Joose provides alias for renaming methods and exclude for ignoring methods. These options are primarily (perhaps solely) for resolving role conflicts.

Because roles serve many different masters, they usually provide only the least common denominator of functionality. To empower roles further, more configurability than alias and excludes is required. Perhaps your role needs to know which method to call when it is done. Or what default value to use for its url attribute, etc.

Parameterized roles offer a solution to these (and other) kinds of problems.



To declare a parameterized role, specify the JooseX.Role.Parameterized as a metaclass for it (see Synopsis above).

This metaclass provides the following additional builders:


This builder accepts a function, which should calculate the actual role and return it. The 1st argument to this function will be an initializer instance, containing parameters provided during consumption. This function will be also called in its scope (this will be equal to initializer instance as well), so you can treat it as a method of initializer.

    role : function (self, consumer?) {
        // self == this
        if (self.someParameter) ...
        if (this.anotherParameter) ...

Depending from introspect builder, this function can also receive a 2nd argument, which will contain a class, consuming this role.

The returning value from this function can be an anonymous Role or just the config object which will be passed to Role helper automatically.

    role : function (self) {
        return {
            trait   : SomeTrait,
            methods : methods
    // or

    role : function (self) {
        return Role({
            trait   : SomeTrait,
            methods : methods


Declares a parameter for role. Acts exactly as usual has builder (its just an alias actually). Parameterized roles can declare arbitrary parameters, which can be provided during consumption.


A boolean value, indicating, whether the role needs to introspect the consuming class. Defaults to false.

When this parameter is false, the role will be calculated immediately (before the consuming class will be created), and consuming class won't be passed into role function. Such role can contain traits.

When this parameter is true, the role calculation will be deferred as much as possible, allowing you to introspect the consuming class. The traits from such role will be ignored (as the class was already created at this stage).

NOTE: During role calculation, the consuming class will only contain properties, defined in itself (or its superclasses). The properties provided from roles aren't consumed yet on this stage.


To consume a parameterized role, just use its constructor with the parameters provided as during class instantiation:

    Class('ClassName', {
        does : Logger({ logMethodsMatching : /^doT.+/ })

Compare with static roles consumption:

    Class('ClassName', {
        does : Logger


Currently, parameterized role won't be re-calculated when consuming class mutates. It will keep the state of the 1st consumption. This may change in future versions.


This extension is supported via github issues tracker: http://github.com/SamuraiJack/JooseX-Role-Parameterized/issues

For general Joose questions you can also visit #joose on irc.freenode.org or the forum at: http://joose.it/forum


Web page of this module: http://github.com/SamuraiJack/JooseX-Role-Parameterized/

General documentation for Joose: http://Joose.github.com/Joose


All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no exception.

Please report any bugs through the web interface at http://github.com/SamuraiJack/JooseX-Role-Parameterized/issues


Nickolay Platonov nplatonov@cpan.org

Heavily based on the original content of MooseX::Role::Parameterized, by Shawn M Moore sartak@gmail.com


This software is Copyright (c) 2010 by Nickolay Platonov nplatonov@cpan.org.

This is free software, licensed under:

The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3, June 2007