A simple docker container that runs tilemill (https://github.com/mapbox/tilemill).
To build the image do:
docker build -t kartoza/tilemill git://github.com/timlinux/docker-tilemill
To run a container do:
docker run --name=tilemill -p 1100:22 -p 20008:20008 -p 20009:20009 -d -t kartoza/tilemill
Perhaps you might also want to link to a docker container running postgres (see https://github.com/timlinux/docker-postgis) and / or to mount your local ~/Documents/Mapbox in the container and then work on data from your local filesystem.
To use the container, open your browser at:
Note: The maptiles in the example projects take quite a long time to render the first time you spin up the docker container, just open a project, be patient, it should work after a few minutes!
To log into your container via ssh do:
ssh root@localhost -p 1100
Default password will appear in docker logs:
docker logs <container name> | grep root login password
Tim Sutton (tim@linfiniti.com) May 2014