Data Scientist, Statistician, and Engineer. Interested in new tech and creating new products with LLMS, and machine learning.
Baxter InternationalChicago, IL
SamyPal's Following
- adashofdataChicago, IL
- adeshpande3@goforward
- akedilok
- andrewharrisonwayChicago, IL
- anjan111India
- artificialsoph@stitchfix
- audreyfeldroy@AnswerDotAI
- bhargavvaderEPFL
- camronkhanSmallWorld
- dipanjanS
- erikkristoferandersonChronically Online
- futureofmaya
- goodhamguptaSingapore
- janlukasschroeder
- John-TateMetis
- kathmbell
- kmussarGreater Seattle Area
- kuhanluke
- larakattan
- nathanielkeane
- nlgreenerton
- Pamaland1GUS
- radaley1906Chicago, IL
- radap009
- Ryanglambert@get-river
- rzhang27
- Saurav6789Amsterdam
- susanli2016Toronto Canada
- tghabourChicago, IL
- thepang
- trail-coffee
- ultimatistQuantium
- vprussoModellicity
- willyraedy
- yvonnekmatosChicago, IL