
Recursive builds

SanderMertens opened this issue · 0 comments

When building or running bake projects, their dependencies are currently not rebuilt, even if there have been changes. In some scenarios this can be inconvenient, in particular when building a project with a new build configuration.

Since bake stores binaries for different configurations (debug, release) in different locations, and bake does not mix binaries when linking, trying to rebuild a project in release mode, will also require all dependencies to be rebuilt in release mode. It would be convenient if bake can automatically do this.

Recursive building will have a performance overhead which can be significant, and thus should not be enabled by default. However bake run is ran less frequently and should work regardless of the current state of the environment (a bake run should work after a bake clone, regardless of with which configuration bake clone was executed), so for bake run, recursive builds should be enabled by default.