
Improve creating/installing/uninstalling template projects

SanderMertens opened this issue · 0 comments

When creating a new template project, it is not automatically added to the bake environment, and requires a user to explicitly build the project first. Since building a template project doesn't actually "build" anything (it just copies files to the bake environment), it would be more convenient if this happened when the template is created, so it can be used immediately.

Additionally, the current command to create a new template is not consistent with how other projects are created:

bake new my_pkg --package
bake new my_tmpl --type template

This should be changed to:

bake new my_tmpl --template

Furthermore, currently there is no straightforward way to uninstall templates. Since templates live in a separate namespace from normal projects, bake uninstall template_name doesn't work. The uninstall command should allow removing templates, by adding the --template option.