
Introduce "todos" within rich text editor

Opened this issue · 4 comments

An option to add todos from within the note. Flutter quill supports custom embedbuilders. Need to do more research on this.

I can take this one, do you have some idea or mockup to do so?

Hi, the main idea is to add todos inside notes. Todos should have a title, description, state, etc. Also, we should be able to set reminders for todos. We are using flutter_quill as a rich text editor, In order to add todos within the rich text editor itself . flutter_quill supports embedding our own widgets. I don't have any mockups as of now, i'll add more details in 2-3 days.

Any updates on this?

Hi @PratyushChauhan , I need to do a bit more research on how the delta format is parsed in flutter_quill to add support for images and videos. I will add more details by mid of this week