
Release is missing a Tag

Closed this issue · 2 comments

  • drHEADer version: Merge pull request #84 from Santandersecurityresearch/release_test
  • Python version: n/a
  • Operating System: n/a


The release doesn't have a tag so its not getting a version number.

if you have switched the github actions plugin used it might not be doing all the stages the previous one did.

i noticed this issue because i saw this in the release section

the tag icon doesn't have a value .

this plugin can make tags for you

Yes, i am on it :)

Ok, this is kind of fixed now. I have a couple of things i would like to improve:

1 - As it is now, it only runs the release flow when there is a new tag created. Ideally, i would like to trigger this every time a new push is done in master, and i want it to generate a tag automatically too.

2 - I'm not 100% sure about that, but i think the upload asset action doesn't accept wildcards. We have the asset_path set to ./dist/*.whl

Apart from that, i have added a step to push to pypi, which is what i was initially looking for, but it got.... a bit more complicated that that