MenuController Error
Sully55 opened this issue · 4 comments
Expected a value of type MenuController' (in package:flutter_web_dashboard/controllers/menu_controller.dart), but got one of type 'MenuController' (in package:flutter/src/material/menu_anchor.dart)
See also:
can anyone help me with this issue?
i also had the same issue. I was able to solve it by doing this.
There is a default Class MenuController that get's imported different from the one he created in this tutorial, so what i did was to rename the MenuController Class he created to CustomMenuController:
class CustomMenuController extends GetxController {
static CustomMenuController instance = Get.find();
var activeItem = overviewPageDisplayName.obs;
var hoverItem = "".obs;
changeActiveItemTo(String itemName) {
activeItem.value = itemName;
onHover(String itemName) {
if (!isActive(itemName)) hoverItem.value = itemName;
isHovering(String itemName) => hoverItem.value == itemName;
isActive(String itemName) => activeItem.value == itemName;
Widget returnIconFor(String itemName) {
switch (itemName) {
case overviewPageDisplayName:
return _customIcon(Icons.trending_up, itemName);
case driversPageDisplayName:
return _customIcon(Icons.drive_eta, itemName);
case clientsPageDisplayName:
return _customIcon(Icons.people_alt_outlined, itemName);
case authenticationPageDisplayName:
return _customIcon(Icons.exit_to_app, itemName);
return _customIcon(Icons.exit_to_app, itemName);
Widget _customIcon(IconData icon, String itemName) {
if (isActive(itemName)) return Icon(icon, size: 22, color: dark);
return Icon(
color: isHovering(itemName) ? dark : lightGrey,
now in your main.dart, update to this:
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
Then ensure where you created an instance of MenuController is changed to CustomMenuController, this should help.
@GreatGodson Thanks for your help. In my case, it solves the compiling errors but the debug mode runs and displays a white screen. At least that is a plus. I am getting close to getting this running.
Also, you forgot to mention looking in the controller.dart file.
import 'package:flutter_web_dashboard/controllers/menu_controller.dart';
import 'package:flutter_web_dashboard/controllers/navigation_controller.dart';
CustomMenuController menuController = CustomMenuController.instance;
NavigationController navigationController = NavigationController.instance;
Update: I was able to get it running. I ended up looking into a resolved issue and found the answer. I got it running.
@jiraheta I'm glad you were able to get it running.
i am having the same issue and after following your steps, it worked like magic. Why did we have to change it to "CustomMenuController"?