Chat to use lift in Limsa Lominsa not working
AussieGlenn opened this issue · 0 comments
When chatting to Grehfarr in Limsa Lominsa to use the lift, neither option works
Chara: 4299074483 -> 1003611
eventId: 131093 (00020015)
Calling: WarpTaxi.onTalk
Screenshots or videos needed to identify the problem: Please attach screenshots or videos showing the problem to this issue, if applicable.
Develop branch, latest pull
Logs from world:
[21:57:20.885] [debug] [2097153] Handling Zone IPC : ClientTrigger ( 0138 )
[21:57:20.885] [debug] [2097153] Incoming action: 0003
param1: 00000001003EABB3
param2: 00000000
param3: 0000000000000000
[21:57:22.733] [debug] [2097153] Handling Zone IPC : EventHandlerTalk ( 014F )
[21:57:23.044] [debug] [2097153] Handling Zone IPC : ClientTrigger ( 0138 )
[21:57:23.044] [debug] [2097153] Incoming action: 0003
param1: 00000000E0000000
param2: 00000000
param3: 0000000000000000
[21:58:05.482] [debug] [2097153] Handling Zone IPC : ChatHandler ( 00D7 )
[21:58:16.608] [debug] [2097153] Handling Zone IPC : ChatHandler ( 00D7 )
[21:58:21.431] [debug] [2097153] Handling Zone IPC : ChatHandler ( 00D7 )
[22:00:07.031] [debug] [2097153] Handling Zone IPC : ClientTrigger ( 0138 )
[22:00:07.031] [debug] [2097153] Incoming action: 0003
param1: 00000001003EABB3
param2: 00000000
param3: 0000000000000000
[22:00:17.374] [debug] [2097153] Handling Zone IPC : EventHandlerTalk ( 014F )
[22:00:17.717] [debug] [2097153] Handling Zone IPC : ClientTrigger ( 0138 )
[22:00:17.717] [debug] [2097153] Incoming action: 0003
param1: 00000000E0000000
param2: 00000000
param3: 0000000000000000
Windows 10, 64 bit