
GameConnection closed: End of Life

DarkArtek opened this issue · 4 comments

After creating a Character, i'm unable to login into world. In the lobby windows it appears:
[13:52:16.197] [info] Could not retrieve session: 4b4d22a928d761fb423b726753516fb862c25fd5193581bf56cf8586
[13:52:17.987] [info] GameConnection closed: End of file
Final Fantasy XIV ver 5.3 Retail with windows 10.
Sapphire Version:
[13:50:50.517] [info] Sapphire Server Project
[13:50:50.517] [info] Version: heads/develop
[13:50:50.517] [info] Git Hash: b357e40
[13:50:50.517] [info] Compiled: Aug 22 2020 10:30:03


Update: server crashes when logging in

potentially because the lobby encryption key changed again

Thank You for your answer

I misread this earlier, likely API has crashed/isn't running/not reachable by lobby which is why this won't work - likely due to breaking changes in 5.3 as per usual

Thank You Again for you answer. Like i said in discord, i can wait and i wll :)