
Turn any website into a PJAX website.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Automatic Pjax

The Pjax.js is a jQuery plugin script that uses ajax, pushState and automatically detects links and forms, for configure page you need use id="pjax-container" in all pages, example:

<div id="pjax-container">

Pjax load all content from pages, but uses only contents from first element using pjax-container, if you don't need the Pjax in a spefic link or form then use data-pjax-ignore attribute, example:

    Hello world!
    Example <a data-pjax-ignore href="/page.html">page</a>.


The pjax.js support links, forms with method GET, forms with method POST and support files and multiple files (<input type="file" multiple>).


  • DOMParser or document.implementation
  • pushState, replaceState and popstate (DOM History manipulation)
  • FormData (XMLHttpRequest Level 2) - if need upload files using PJAX (enctype="multipart/form-data")

Tested in:

  • Internet Explorer 10
  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • iOS 10
  • Android 2.3+


For use:


Pjax API

Method Description
Pjax.supported Return true if support this lib, otherwise return false
Pjax.remove("remove"); Remove PJAX requests and events
Pjax.on(event", function(...) {...}); Define an event

Pjax Events

Example Description
Pjax.on("initiate", function(url, config) {...}); Trigged when clicked in a link or submit a form
Pjax.on("done", function(url) {...}); Trigged when page loaded using $.jax
Pjax.on("fail", function(url, status, error) {...}); Trigged when page failed to load, status return HTTP code and error return message error
Pjax.on("then", function(url) {...}); Executes every time a request is completed, even if it fails or success.
Pjax.on("history", function(url, stateData) {...}); Executes every use back or forward
Pjax.on("handler", function(data, config, callbackDone, callbackFail) {...}); Create your owner response to Pjax.js request
Pjax.on("dom", function(url, newdocument) {...}); Allows you to manipulate an element change manually, for example you can create transitions or change newdocument

Tip: You can use Pjax.on("dom", ...); for remove events in DOM

Pjax configs

Property type default description
containers: array [ "#pjax-container" ] Informs which elements to update on the page
updatecurrent: bool false If true request same url in used by current page is executed history.replaceState, otherwise nothing will be executed
updatehead: bool true The "pjax.js" has an intelligent update system that helps avoid the "blink" effect, because instead of updating everything it only updates what has been changed, however if you are sure that nothing will change as you page, you can set it to false, the only one that will continue to be updated will be the <title> tag
scrollLeft: number 0 After loading a page via PJAX you can define where scrollLeft should scroll
scrollTop: number 0 After loading a page via PJAX you can define where scrollTop should scroll
loader: bool true Adds the native Pjax loader, if you want to create a loader of your own, set it to false
nocache: bool false Prevent cache
proxy: string "" Set Web Proxy
formSelector: string form:not([data-pjax-ignore]):not([action^='javascript:'])" Set form selector, set empty for prevent forms uses Pjax
linkSelector: string a:not([data-pjax-ignore]):not([href^='#']):not([href^='javascript:'])" Set form selector, set empty for prevent links uses Pjax


If need overwrite properties for specific link or form you can config using HTML attributes:

Property equivalent example description
data-pjax-containers containers: <a href="..." data-pjax-containers="[ &quot;#foo&quot;, &quot;#bar&quot;, &quot;#baz&quot; ]" Adjusts the containers when the request comes from a specific form or link
data-pjax-updatehead updatehead: <a href="..." data-pjax-updatehead="false" Allow/Disallow head tag update when the request comes from a specific form or link
data-pjax-scroll-left scrollLeft: <form action="..." data-pjax-scroll-left="10" custom scroll-left to specific form or link
data-pjax-scroll-top scrollTop: <form action="..." data-pjax-scroll-top="-1" custom scroll-top to specific form or link
data-pjax-loader loader: <a href="..." data-pjax-loader="false" Allow/Disallow loader animate to specific form or link
data-pjax-done - <a href="..." data-pjax-done="console.log('success', this);" Custom "done" event to specific form or link
data-pjax-fail - <a href="..." data-pjax-fail="console.log('error', this);" Custom "error" event to specific form or link
data-pjax-ignore - <a href="..." data-pjax-ignore="true"> Normal navigation to specific form or link
data-pjax-resource - <link href="..." data-pjax-resource="true"> Prevent remove element after update DOM (for now it only works in the <head>)

For change configs use like this:

    containers: [ "#my-container" ], //Change container element
    scrollLeft: -1, //Disable autoscroll
    scrollTop: -1 //Disable autoscroll

Update two elements (or more)

You can change the element you want to update or even add more elements, eg.:

<div id="navbar">
<div id="my-container">
    containers: [ "#navbar", "#my-container" ] //Change containers element

You can change configs in initiate event, example:

<div id="pjax-container">
    <div id="filter">
    <div id="search-container">

Pjax.on("initiate", function (url, configs) {
    if (url.indexOf("/search/") === 0 && window.location.href.indexOf("/search/") === 0) {
        configs.containers = [ "#search-container" ];

If you are on a product search page and are doing a new search instead of updating the entire container will only update the element where the products are, other pages will continue to update the entire container.

Pjax in server-side

It is possible to detect if the request came from the PJAX using the request headers:

Header Description
X-PJAX Indicates that the page was requested via PJAX
X-PJAX-URL Inform the entire url of the requested page
X-PJAX-Container Informs the container selectors used

Example using PHP:

if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_PJAX'])) {
    echo 'You using pjax';

Custom loader with Pjax

You can custom CSS, example change color and size, put in new CSS file or <style> tag:

.pjax-loader .pjax-progress {
    height: 6px;
    background-color: blue;

If you need custom "more", first remove default loader:

    loader: false

And after use initiate and then events:

Pjax.on("initiate", function () {
    $(".my-custom-loader").css("display", "block");

Pjax.on("then", function () {
    $(".my-custom-loader").css("display", "none");


<div class="my-custom-loader">
    <img src="loader.gif">

Pjax handler response

For create a custom responses for Pjax you can use handler event, example:

    updatehead: false //Prevent remove itens in head

Pjax.on("handler", function(hdata, config, done, fail) {
    setTimeout(function () {
        done(hdata.url, '<div id="pjax-container">Foo: ' + new Date() + '</div>', config, hdata.state);
    }, 1000);