
How an I setup New Frame listener for VideoCaptureElement

bbetter opened this issue · 3 comments

I need to detect whether qr code is present in each frame of web cam output,
How can i get this callback?

Check the NewVideoSample event.

Sorry for not responding for a long time, the problem is that i'm out of ideas , it never enters this callback

   public QrScannerControl()
            VideoCapElement.EnableSampleGrabbing = true;
            VideoCapElement.NewVideoSample += (sender, args) =>
                var binBitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(new BitmapLuminanceSource(args.VideoFrame)));

                BitMatrix bm = binBitmap.BlackMatrix;
                Detector detector = new Detector(bm);
                DetectorResult detectorResult = detector.detect();

                string retStr = "Found at points ";
                foreach (ResultPoint point in detectorResult.Points)
                    retStr += point.ToString() + ", ";

                var result = _qrCodeReader.decode(binBitmap);
                if (result == null) return;
//how should i make it start entering this callback? the play method way is not working

Duplicate of #6 ?