Python_ Practice

A storage for all of the projects I've worked on in order to practice Python Programming. feel free to use anything I've written here! Better yet, without looking at the code, feel free to practice on your own :)

Here are the exercises:

  1. Reverse string: take a string input, reverse it, then print it out to the user.

  2. Fizz Buzz: Write a program that will print the number from 1 to 100, but for multiples of 3 print "Fizz" instead of the number and for multiples of 5 print "Buzz". For numbers that are multiples of both, print "FizzBuzz".

  3. Count Vowels: take a string input and count the number of vowels in the text. We can ignore the cases where 'y' could be a vowel.

  4. Alarm Tunes: Create a program that will open a browser and play a YouTube video from a list of videos in a text file. The program should accept a command line argument with the time (--hour, --minute, --am/pm

  5. Currency Exchange: Create a simple currency exchange program that takes user input using public api from

  6. Quote Tracker: Create a program what will go out and check the current value of a stock

  7. Quote Tracker Advanced: Take the original quote tracker program and add to it's functionality by allowing the user to set a time for how often the stock(s) are checked. Bonus: add a pop up alert or sound notification.

  8. Port Scanner: Ask the user for an IP address and a port range. Scan the network and mark any open ports.