
The contour_label_fontsize parameter in _pdp_contour_plot() causes TypeError

angertdevsingh opened this issue · 19 comments

On line 251 in, one of the parameters for _pdp_contour_plot() is contour_label_fontsize and this causes the following error:

TypeError: clabel() got an unexpected keyword argument 'contour_label_fontsize'

According to the documentation for matplotlib.pyplot.clabel(), the parameter should be called fontsize.

Source: clabel() documentation

Hi @SauceCat, I was wondering if there were plans coming up to push a new release version out to PyPI that included this fix. Thanks!

This worked.

This worked.

Hi Wolemercy, Could you please explain exactly how you made it work?

This worked.

Hi Wolemercy, Could you please explain exactly how you made it work?

Hi Wole, I have resolved this. Thank you

Cheers mate

Sorry Wolemercy but I don't… Could you explain ti me, please ?

Aye aye
You need to locate this python file "" on your PC. It's part of the PDPBox package you installed. Open the file and replace the code in line 251 with this:

inter_ax.clabel(c2, fontsize=fontsize, inline=1)

Save and close the file. You should be good to go.

merci pour le retour mais ça marche pô : toujours le même pb…
Je pense qu'il faut downgrader un package mais je ne vois pas lequel.

it works! (I forgoted to restart… once again).
Thanks a lot!

JRBOH commented

This helped me, especially @Wolemercy's comment! Thanks, guys.

Batev commented

Hi @SauceCat, I was wondering if there were plans coming up to push a new release version out to PyPI that included this fix. Thanks!

Still waiting for the PyPI update ...

Why it's not updated in the PyPI yet??

Batev commented

Both installing from the repo and editing the file as @Wolemercy suggested work fine. However, it is really inconvenient to have to manually install PDPBox because of this bug instead of using pip and a requirements file. Since the repo is no longer supported I/we would be happy to at least have the latest version in PyPI.

@Batev @veeralakrishna Please check the new release.

Thank you for the New Release @SauceCat