
Maintainers needed

Saulis opened this issue · 12 comments

Hi everybody!

As you've probably noticed, I haven't been maintaining <iron-data-table> that actively after 1.0 was released. Reason being focusing mostly on making <vaadin-grid> 2.0 (which is my day job) and not having time or energy to work on this project.

As some of you might have read from the blog I posted, <iron-data-table> was research project I did as a foundation for building <vaadin-grid> 2.0.

The bad news is, that I don't have plans to continue working on <iron-data-table>, but instead further continue improving <vaadin-grid>.

The good news is that <vaadin-grid> is quite similar to <iron-data-table> so it should be quite straightforward to migrate if you want to do that. <vaadin-grid> has most if not all the same features that <iron-data-table> has, plus more. And, it's actively maintained not only by me but a number of my colleagues at Vaadin.

Now, if there are people in the community (preferably active contributors) who want to take on maintaining this project and taking it further, I'd be more than happy to pass on the torch and help in any way I can.
If you're interested, please add a comment here or contact me in Gitter

Thanks for all your support,


A user here, would like to help, but since you are advocating towards vaadin-grid, wouldn't be better to provide (or ask for collaboration for it) a migration guide to vaadin?

In either case, I would like to help, although I'm more a web-components user and not that much of a core-developer

i am interested

@timoteoponce a migration guide is a good idea – I'll see if I can make it happen.

@yugendrababu thanks for the interested – do you have any contributions I could take a look at?

@Saulis looking for a opportunity , No Contributions :( . i have good understanding on web components.

Interesting. I had used vaadin-grid sporadically prior to discovering iron-data-table and switched here because iron-data-table offered a lot of features vaadin-grid did not. Did not realize that they were being developed by the same person. I hope that vvaadin-grid 2.0 can be written to offer the same broad and useful features as in iron-data-table and perhaps I will switch back.

@michael-lumley interesting :-) which features in particular you would wish to see in vaadin-grid that are missing?

A markup-base approach I would say, most vaadin-element examples I've seen use a js-approach, but there's not much more regarding HTML-markup. Or perhaps I'm misreading something?

@timoteoponce sounds to me like you've been looking at <vaadin-grid> 1.x which has a quite JS-first API. The 2.0 version is quite heavily inspired by <iron-data-table>.

@Saulis ah darn, I just figured out my mistake, this is the only reason I'm backing from a iron-data-table -> vaddin-migration :-), I will proceed and perhaps create a little migrattion-steps-guide

@Saulis I've been playing a bit with the new 2.0 vaadin-grid. Relative to iron-data-table, vaadin-grid feels less responsive and a good deal slower, in particular while sorting and filtering. I'm working with a dataset of approximately 10,000-15,000 entries. The main difference in responsiveness may just be perception, in that iron-data-table threw up a spinner while it was processing, whereas vaadin-grid has not.

I also found configuration for sorting and filtering on iron-data-table to be easier than vaadin-grid but now that I have it set up, I suppose there isn't much difference there. I can see that vaadin-grid is at least somewhat more customizable in that area.

Overall, I still prefer iron-data-table but since vaadin-grid is going to be maintained, I suppose I will migrate and home that vaadin-grid moves in the direction of iron-data-table.

@Saulis I am interested in taking this over. Do you still need a maintainer?