All notes page empty
bege10 opened this issue ยท 37 comments
Notefox v3.7.3 all notes page is empty although the respective notes are displayed in the popup.
Additionally the buttons on the all notes page have not function.
@bege10 hi, can you describe step-by-step with some screenshots as well please?
I'm sorry for the inconvenience
@bege10 this shouldn't be the correct behaviour. Some other information needed:
- If you press on "Export" can you see anything?
- If you open the console (Inspect element > Console), do you see any errors in All notes?
- You used the add-on before the 3.7.2?
- (if true the previous) the previous release worked?
- You can see correctly notes via popup?
@bege10 this shouldn't be the correct behaviour. Some other information needed:
* If you press on "Export" can you see anything? * If you open the console (Inspect element > Console), do you see any errors in All notes? * You used the add-on before the 3.7.2? * (if true the previous) the previous release worked? * You can see correctly notes via popup?
- As written above, no reaction of the buttons (except getting bigger on click)
- None but this one which is correct AFAIK: 16:40:19.232 E1: Error: Missing host permission for the tab
in 3 background.js:494:21
closeStickyNotes moz-extension://c1a9b102-f67c-43bb-83c7-c6f4958e5070/js/background.js:494 - I didn't open the all notes page for a long time. I restored to 3.5 and it has the same issue
- Yes, as written in my OP notes are displayed via popup.
Uninstalling, restart Firefox, reinstalling doesn't help.
Edit: I installed Notefox in a new profile: same issue.
Edit: v3.2.1.1 is the last version that works. v3.3.1.8 is the first version with this issue.
Firefox 118.0.2, German locale
Windows 10 Professional 64 bit
@bege10 ok, probably it's just an issue with showing "all notes" page, but it's very weird. Noone else reported me this issue.
I'll try to check something.
In case, are you available to try beta/alpha version (via debug)?
In case, are you available to try beta/alpha version (via debug)?
Does that require a different Firefox version than the stable release? If so, I cannot help with beta/alpha version. I just had an eye surgery and must not spend much time at the screen. If it is possible with stable release, tell me how.
@bege10 sure, you can test with stable version, but this could cause problem(s) with your current notes, so better not cause issues ๐
this could cause problem either way current notes
That's not an issue, I can restore the notes.
@bege10 just release the 3.7.4 in which I have added some new console.error messages, so if there are errors during loading in All notes, it should be shown in the Console. Please, can you tell me if you can see anything?
Hi, v3.7.7 has the same issue, no information in the console.
@bege10 Ok, this is very weird so ๐ค
I put many console.error to each part where are generated buttons and notes, and if you don't see anything, there is something of wrong.
Do you have any extensions installed? Maybe an adblock or something else blocks the generation in that page?
Can you try to use a "temporarily Troubleshoot mode" of Firefox and enable only Notefox please?
I understand that this is weird. An error without any error notice.
I cannot activate an add-on in troubleshoot mode but I already installed Notefox in a new profile #58 (comment)
Even there the issue exists.
Edit: Can you try to find out which difference between v3.2.1.1 and v3.3.1.8 might cause the issue?
@bege10 Ok, try to use Notefox in another profile "by zero" (so, do not import your notes, just try to use the addon in a website and go in the All notes page to see what happens). Thanks!
@bege10 Ok, try to use Notefox in another profile "by zero" (so, do not import your notes, just try to use the addon in a website and go in the All notes page to see what happens). Thanks!
That's what I did.
This path does not seem to come to a solution. As just said, what makes the difference between the last working and the first not working version?
@bege10 Actually from the two versions basically shouldn't be changed anything in All notes
@bege10 Can you send me the JSON of your Settings configuration? (It doesn't contain any personal data, but I want to reproduce the bug and I need Settings configuration). Or, at least a screenshots of Settings please
Do you mean the JSON when exporting data? I don't have one, I would restore the notes manually. Currently there are no notes stored. The notice that there are no notes is missing in the all notes page and the buttons do nothing.
In the settings page I can change the settings but the buttons at the top of the page do nothing also. Here is the screenhot.
@bege10 Ok, it looks like the JS scripts don't run in your browser. Because, if both Settings and All notes don't work... I think that it ๐ค
What Firefox version do you use?
See above:
Firefox 118.0.2 64-bit, German locale
Windows 10 Professional 64 bit
@bege10 Ok, let me try another thing.
Go to "All notes" page. Open "Console" of that page and write "loaded()" manually (which is the function called when the page loads). Let me update about this please.

14:29:45.557 Uncaught ReferenceError: loaded is not defined
debugger eval code:1
getEvalResult resource://devtools/server/actors/webconsole/eval-with-debugger.js:299
evalWithDebugger resource://devtools/server/actors/webconsole/eval-with-debugger.js:209
evaluateJS resource://devtools/server/actors/webconsole.js:949
evaluateJSAsync resource://devtools/server/actors/webconsole.js:846
makeInfallible resource://devtools/shared/ThreadSafeDevToolsUtils.js:103
debugger eval code:1:1
debugger eval code:1
@bege10 Ok, basically your add-on doesn't load scripts ๐ค
Did you installed the addon via Firefox Addons or via file?
via AMO. The github files cannot be installed (not verified).
@bege10 Ok. Don't you have any problems with other extensions, right?
This looks like an issue in Firefox, but I can wrong. I'll investigate. Thank you very much for your detailed information
Seems like the error I posted was because of the wrong page in the browser tools.
When I choose the address of the all notes page then I get this error:
14:35:00.678 Uncaught ReferenceError: can't access lexical declaration 'sync_local' before initialization checkSyncLocal moz-extension://5d7935c4-5a1b-4adc-a91e-38052b46a0a8/js/all-notes.js:32 loaded moz-extension://5d7935c4-5a1b-4adc-a91e-38052b46a0a8/js/all-notes.js:44 <anonymous> debugger eval code:1 debugger eval code:32:5
@bege10 Ok. Now, please, install a debug version of the addon (before saves your notes!).
You need to download the following zip archive
Then, go to about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox (which permits to install debugging addons), so press "Load Temporary Add-on..." and choose the zip downloaded previously
Let me know if now the addon works please
Still the same. The console shows this error
15:04:22.703 Uncaught TypeError: all_strings is undefined <anonymous> moz-extension://5d7935c4-5a1b-4adc-a91e-38052b46a0a8/js/all-notes.js:10 all-notes.js:10:5 <anonym> moz-extension://5d7935c4-5a1b-4adc-a91e-38052b46a0a8/js/all-notes.js:10
I may not be able to continue today. Thanks for your endurance.
@bege10 Ok, this is a problem which I don't know how to fix, actually ๐ข
You could try to ask in Mozilla Firefox forum, because the add-on doesn't load neither "background" script ๐คท๐ปโโ๏ธ Sorry so much
Do you use any functionality in v3.3+ and not in v3.2. that is not common to other add-ons? As far as I can see you added the general notes tab. I have quite a bunch of add-ons that work without issues.
@bege10 The problem is that your browser (and I don't know why) doesn't load script when you open in a new tab. Instead, if you open directly via popup, it works correctly. Nobody else reported me this issue
Returned to v3.2.1.1 and everything works fine. (The global tab is not yet implemented in that version).
The release notes of v3.3 (the first not working version) say
- Now it's used "sync" instead of "local", so data should be sync with Firefox Accounts!
- Implemented function which converts local to sync
One of the quoted error messages above says
can't access lexical declaration 'sync_local' before initialization checkSyncLocal
I don't use sync with a Firefox account.
@bege10 sync_local is a variable declared in the scripts and it gets if it's "local" or "sync". By default it's local
That's the difference between the working and the not working version.
@bege10 what is really odd is that your issue persists within a new profile, so the culprit cannot be related an about:config setting which would have been modified nor to an incompatibility with another extension.
I guess there is nothing in your environment which modifies your Firefox default settings and prefs, in particular no Autoconfig, no Group Policies, correct?
So we have:
- Firefox 118.0.2 64-bit / Windows 10 Professional 64 bit
- Notefox v3.2.1.1 is the last version that works. v3.3.1.8 is the first version with this issue.
- Issue persists in new profile
Notefox 3.3 introduced:
- Now it's used "sync" instead of "local", so data should be sync with Firefox Accounts!
- Implemented function which converts local to sync
As it seems the problem could be related to "sync". But that shouldn't be a problem to start with, especially that the issue persists in a new profile.
My comment doesn't help, just trying to summarize. Gosh, this is definitely weird.
When you opened the new profile as you mentioned it, you installed Notefox 3.3 and nothing else.
You then imported your notes, I guess.
Rather than importing your notes, had you tried creating a new note instead to see if it appears in the 'All Notes' page?
About Firefox sync. You mentioned that you do not use the Sync feature
Whatever, the following pref disables Firefox Accounts together with the Sync feature.
Maybe you can give it a try to see if it helps, though I'd be surprised:
pref("identity.fxaccounts.enabled", false);
I'm keeping your issue in mind, if I get up with anything I'll popin.
@Cade66 Thank you for your thoughts. They triggered own thoughts that led to a solution.
To your question: I hadn't even imported notes because even the buttons on the "All Notes" page didn't work.
I have prepared Firefox in this way to be able to run custom scripts. The scripts are not in a new profile, but the files in the installation folder are still there, of course. While reading your comment I remembered that this might be a reason why Notefox didn't work even in a new profile. I remove these files and alas - Notefox worked again.
Then I restored the files in the installation folder and activated the scripts in the profile one by one. And after all scripts where activated and running Notefox still worked - even after a few more days of testing. The preparation and the scripts never caused any incompatibility before and obviously don't do it now. So the issue is gone but it is still weird.
Thank you, also to @Sav22999 .
@bege10 , I'm glad you found the culprit and the solution.
I use userChromeJS scripts as well here on Firefox, but I had installed the 'protocol' as proposed by xiaoxiaoflood and my userChromeJS scripts are all in my profile's Firefox/chrome folder. What is essential of course is the content of userChromeJS' config.js file (or whatever other name it's been set to) in Firefox's install folder. New versions of Firefox may require an update of userChromeJS 'protocol' (emphasizing on the config.js file) : The xiaoxiaoflood installation has last been updated for Firefox ver. 111, still works flawlessly here on Firefox 115.4.0 ESR but not sure it does or will continue to on newer versions of Firefox. Wait and see, that'll be late 2024 for FF115+ ESR. Another point is that the protocol itself may be functional but some scripts may no longer be.
Whatever, glad you got the issue fixed.