
Custom element not found: button-text-card

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Configuration error detected:
Custom element not found: button-text-card

As a sudden or after updating to Home Assistant 2022.11.4 I get this error. I deleted the addon, reinstalled it and restarted HA. The error persists. What can I do?

My system runs on RPi4b:
Home Assistant 2022.11.4
Supervisor 2022.10.2
Operating System 9.3
Frontend 20221108.0 - latest

I'm also running the latest version, and the card works fine.

Can you share the full YAML configuration of the card you're making?

Also: make sure that button-text-card is included in the frontend.
Go to Settings > Dashboards > Three dots > Resources.
Makes sure your see something like this: /hacsfiles/button-text-card/button-text-card.js?hacstag=241706284061

What I see now, on my phone the card is shown correctly as always. The error only shows up on my computers.

Button-text-card is included in frontend.
This is the yaml:

type: custom:button-text-card entity: binary_sensor.endschalter_s title: ACHTUNG Tor! subtitle: Das Hoftor ist nicht komplett geschlossen. icon: mdi:gate-alert large: true font_color: '#fff00' background_color: '#ffff00' hide_condition: | [[[ return entity.state === "on" ]]]

Now it works again and I cannot say why!?

Weird indeed!