
knit fails in block starting in line 1272

Opened this issue · 2 comments

running manually it has a problem at:

smart_harmony <- smart_meter10 %>%

  • filter(customer_id %in% c(10017936)) %>%
  • rank_harmony(harmony_tbl = harmonies,response = "general_supply_kwh")%>%
  • rename(facet variable = facet_variable,
  •      `x-axis variable` = x_variable,
  •      `facet levels` = facet_levels,
  •      `x-axis levels` = x_levels,
  •      `average maximum variation` = mean_max_variation) 

Values in general_supply_kwh are not uniquely identified; output will contain list-cols.

  • Use values_fn = list(general_supply_kwh = list) to suppress this warning.


This chunk throws a warning message which implies it needs to be stated explicitly that each element of the tibble is a list while using pivot_wider. The warning is not there when I include values_fn = list( general_Supply_kwh = list)), but values_fn = list( x = list)) shows the warning message if x is the argument of a function. Working on it.

Does your knit fail or just show this warning?