
sbt 1.9.x support

Closed this issue · 1 comments

sbt-coverter plugin fails when using sbt 1.9.x at this code:

case valid if valid.startsWith("1.8") => old(state)
case invalid =>
s"This version of the ScalablyTyped plugin only supports 1.8.x. You're currently using $invalid",

java.lang.RuntimeException: This version of the ScalablyTyped plugin only supports 1.8.x. You're currently using 1.9.0
	at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:30)
	at org.scalablytyped.converter.plugin.ScalablyTypedPluginBase$.$anonfun$globalSettings$2(ScalablyTypedPluginBase.scala:117)

sbt 1.9.0 is almost compatible with sbt 1.8.x, so this version check logic needs to be updated.

Created a PR #540 as a fix for this