
`NO_ECHO_REPLACEMENT` causing false positive diffs

p7-mark opened this issue · 0 comments

Subject of the issue

When using sceptre diff on stacks using parameters with NoEcho: True, false positive diffs are shown.

Your environment

  • version of sceptre (sceptre --version): Sceptre, version 4.4.2
  • version of python (python --version): Python 3.11.4
  • which OS/distro:
    ProductName:            macOS
    ProductVersion:         13.6.6
    BuildVersion:           22G630

Steps to reproduce

Deploy any stack that uses a template that has a parameter with NoEcho: True. Then execute the following:

sceptre diff path/to/stack.yaml

Expected behaviour

  • No config difference
  • No template difference

Actual behaviour

Config difference is found (false positive) as the expected value is **** but the value generated by Sceptre locally is ***HIDDEN***.

Potential fix?

This might be able to be resolved by modifying this line:


And changing it to: