
Missing PyProject schemas

hyperupcall opened this issue · 2 comments

Description of the JSON schema.

pyproject.toml files are missing various schemas under [tool] that can be used. This issue tracks them, the original list can be found at this comment.

  • tool.poetry: 45523
  • 23128
  • tool.isort: 16874 (big dataclass, might be easy to transform)
  • tool.pytest: 15144 (not sealed, though always in a subtable tool.pytest.ini_options)
  • tool.setuptools: 11136
  • tool.mypy: 10279
  • tool.coverage: 8907 (doesn’t look too hard)
  • tool.ruff: 8485
  • tool.setuptools_scm: 6034 (easy)
  • tool.hatch: 4846
  • tool.pylint: 3725 (auto unnesting)
  • tool.pyright: 2948
  • tool.flit: 2826 (moderate)
  • tool.flake8: 1833 (unofficial)
  • tool.pdm: 1458
  • tool.tox: 1423 (one item!)
  • tool.cibuildwheel: 1303
  • tool.semantic_release: 1276
  • tool.poetry-dynamic-versioning: 982
  • tool.maturin: 848 (Maybe easy like Ruff?)

Supporting information.

Are you making a PR for this?

No, someone else must create the PR.

If anyone needs poe here's my version. Please add it to the repo if you see it useful ;)

I'd also love to see basedpyright added, the schema is very similar to that of pyright (already added), just with some extra stuff on top.