
Backup not restoring shows tried FAQ

Closed this issue · 2 comments

What build of DuckieTV are you using (Standlone / Chrome Extension (New Tab / Browser Action))
...DuckieTV - 'Browser Action' mode -

What version of DuckieTV are you using (Stable 1.1.x / Nightly yyyymmddHHMM)

What is your Operating System (Windows, MacOSx, Linux)

Describe the problem you are having and steps to reproduce if available
...New nightly - won't load from TraktTV or backup - tried ""

Attach any DuckieTV statistics or Developer Console logs if available

read #1399 (comment)
closing as duplicate of #1399

P.S. I've updated that wiki to include the websql override.
And of course, if this does not solve the problem please report back and we can re-open the ticket and do more diag.