Add StartupWMClass to Desktop file
jlneder opened this issue · 1 comments
I am using the standalone version now.
Nightly "202405111132"
Hi, I made a derivation for nix for my personal use, to use DuckieTV in NixOS, after all the websql deprecation.
I was having a problem with the icon in the dock in gnome. It didn't show unless I added:
To the desktop file. Or change the name of the desktop file to DuckieTV-Standalone.desktop, but I prefer the first option.
The wm-class have to be the same as the name of the desktop file for gnome(and i guess maybe all desktops?) to match the icon with the window. Or use the line mentioned above.
I fix it in my "package" but maybe someone else is having the same problem.
Thanks for the info, maybe someone will find it useful.