
[BUG] Parsing Coordinates

Closed this issue ยท 5 comments

Describe the bug
Parsing GPS with a new line is bugged. e.g. 23.988474, 120.595779\n

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Select device, Navigation->Set Location

Expected behavior
Just defaults to 037.3305976 -122.0265794

Additional context
Also would it be possible to have a button added next to the home one to be able to set the location quicker?
Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

Sounds like a bug. I'll look into it. Maybe at the weekend.

I'll open a new feature request for the toolbaritem.

Any update on this?

I'm pretty busy at work at the moment, I don't know when I have time for this.

Hi @pokexperience,

I found and fixed the bug. I don't know, when I will upload a new release, but the bug will be fixed in the next version. Thank you for reporting the error ! I really appreciate it. Sorry that it took so long. Sometimes live gets in the way :D

The new release is online on github. Homebrew might take some days.